The AI Incubator

A 12-month small group programme with high level support, feedback, and training - designed to help you build AI systems for your business, easily.



The AI Incubator includes everything in The AI Training Academy, as well as the following exclusives only available in The AI Incubator:


→ Monthly group coaching and hot seats
→ Monthly AI systems & processes
→ My AI courses & group programmes
→ Advanced workshops & guest expert Q&As
→ My AI & Marketing Musings Private Podcast Feed
→ My AI Book Notes


What’s on the agenda?

  • Late June 2024: Introduction to the AI Incubator & Prompt Engineering

  • July 2024: CustomGPTs & AI Assistants

  • August 2024: Advanced Content Repurposing Systems & Automations

  • September 2024: AI for Service Systems & Client Projects

  • October 2024: Designing AI Systems

  • November 2024: Building AI Systems

  • December 2024: Business Strategy & Planning with AI

  • January 2025: AI for Launches

  • February 2025: AI Course & Programme Experiences

  • March 2025: AI for Product Management & Roadmapping

  • April 2025: Tech Stack, Tools, and Team with AI

  • May 2025: AI Business Operations

 Let's explore...

The AI Incubator

1️⃣ Everything in The AI Training Academy

Total when bought individually: $1782; price of The AI Training Academy until May 31 - $997.

  • 7 x AI Masterclasses released from June 26 onwards

  • A Week in AI: An Over My Shoulder Google Document

  • Custom Prompt Builder

  • 16 x AI Prompt Packs

  • The AI Training Academy Private Podcast

  • The AI Community Slack Channel (12 month access)

2️⃣ Monthly AI Systems & Processes

Each month, I’ll document a new system or process for completing time consuming tasks in your business - including an AI assistant for it where relevant. The Incubator community will be able to request and vote on which systems you would like to have throughout the year.

Some examples include:

  • Research & Reformatting Process

  • Client Onboarding System

  • Content Creation Workflow

  • Email Automation Design & Set-Up

  • Customer Support System

  • Tool & Software Set-Up System

  • Business Planning & Strategy System

3️⃣ My AI Courses & Programmes

→ AI for Service Providers: A 4-week mini programme that specifically looks at creating AI processes for your services (normally $297)

→ CustomGPTs & AI Assistants: A 4-week mini programme that helps you build customGPTs and AI Assistants for different parts of your business, including for your customers and students (normally $297)

→ AI System Design Group Programme: An action-focused capstone project that supports you through designing & building AI systems and processes for different parts of your business (normally $997)

4️⃣ Monthly Hot Seats & Group Coaching

We will have a different theme each month, and there will be opportunities for you to have a hot seat where we look at something specific to your business - the format of these will be confirmed once we have the final numbers for this cohort.

5️⃣ Workshops & Guest Expert Q&As

Throughout the year as new changes, developments, and technologies emerge, I will invite different guest experts as well as run any relevant workshops to help you stay up-to-date with everything you need to know about AI as you run your business as efficiently as possible.

6️⃣ My AI Book Notes

A Google Docs library of notes from the different research and reading I do throughout the year

7️⃣ My Marketing & AI Musings Private Podcast

You’ll get access to a private podcast with a selection of my hot takes, musings, and thoughts on all things AI and marketing - normally reserved for my journal or conversations over coffee with friends 😂

The What, the Why, and the How Much?

This is a small group programme and the most access to me you can get outside of a (rarely available) VIP Day. I have been hesitant to sell this because AI is such a rapidly changing space, I wanted to be sure of the offer and expectations in a container that means you feel confident about joining, but that has flexibility to add in any extra resources, trainings, or support should things change substantially.

It’s a 12-month programme, and you can currently pay once for $3,000 (regular price $6,000) or you can pay monthly for $500 per month.