30 Second Email Segmentation Tool πŸ’Œ

Stuck on how to segment your email marketing? Not sure how to create automations for individual elements of your list?

Get this CustomGPT to help you identify segments, tags, and automations for your business.

πŸ‘‡πŸ» Get the link to it now πŸ‘‡πŸ»


This tool will help give you custom advice for… 

  1. Identifying different audience segments for your email list

  2. Clarifying your tagging strategy, with specific examples of tags to use, and why

  3. Outlining different email automations that can help you grow your audience and business


Hey hey, I’m Menekşe!

I love helping small business owners like you use AI technology to make your business lives easier - without selling your soul to Big Tech in the process.

I started working in SEO back in 2005. Since then, I’ve gone on to work on a variety of web and tech development projects as a technical marketer, researching machine learning and AI from around 2017 onwards.

In late 2022/early 2023, I designed, built, and launched Marketing Magic - an AI-powered business growth tool that saves small business owners 40+ hours a month. I also create & provide practical, actionable AI training for The AI Training Academy.


Get support for segmenting your email marketing…

… In 30 seconds! ⬇️