Build Your Quiz (and Quiz Funnel!) Using AI

It’s time to get your quiz out of your GDrive graveyard and into the world.


Quiz funnels can be a powerful lead generation tool…

… and can be used for all kinds of lead generation, including book launches, services, workshops, and courses.

BUT they also have notoriously low conversion rates. So quiz funnels need careful planning if they’re going to help you grow your business.

They’re also a maze of complexity that is fun to start and hard to finish

Once your quiz funnel is out in the wild, it will help you… 

  • Grow your audience, and get more leads who are interested in what you have to offer

  • Add value to your audience, and give them personalised results that position you as a trusted guide

  • Gather more information about your ideal audience and understand what marketing messages people at different stages of the customer journey need

  • Improve conversion rates for the specific offers you’re guiding people towards


During this training you will…

  • Identify the kind of quiz you’re creating, and exactly what outcome your business needs for it to be a successful asset.

  • Identify the qualifiers you want to measure with your quiz, and how to measure them.

  • Identify the different categories and questions needed for a quiz based on your desired business outcomes and target audience.

  • Create compelling quiz questions and results using AI without getting stuck in overwhelm.

  • Build the structure and components of a quiz funnel for generating qualified leads and growing your audience.

  • See specific examples of building out your quiz using tools like Scorecard and Marketing Magic to create and customise quiz funnels.



  • I’m aiming for it to be around 90 minutes of workshop time (which will include a mix of teaching and you taking action!), and then 30+ minutes for questions. This is not a masterclass where you come and learn, and then go and do. It’s more of a workshop format, where you will be learning and doing at the same time!

  • … Yes, but you’ll get them at the start of the session, too! So everything you need to get stuck into your quiz - whether it’s picking up an existing quiz that you never finished, or creating one from scratch - will be provided, and then you’ll get access to the replays and resources afterwards.

    The replay will be edited into more digestible sections and timestamped.

  • Yes! They’re really great for engagement, so adding them to your website, mentioning them in your emails, and promoting them on social media tends to convert well - because it’s offering semi-personalised value to your audience (making it much more helpful to them than a regular lead magnet, because they’re getting more contextual advice).

  • Yes - if you’ve never designed a quiz funnel before, this will be an actionable workshop that helps you get one out into the world without getting stuck in the complexity and overthinking that quiz funnels can often bring!

    You feel comfortable with setting up the quiz in your chosen quiz software, and you should know what you want to sell.

  • Yes - my trainings are always industry- and business model-generic - so you can come along regardless of what niche you’re working in, and regardless of whether you sell services, digital products, or physical products.

  • Yes - due to the workshop format of my trainings, there will be space for you to get input as you take action. The chat is always busy and any questions that aren’t relevant to that particular moment will be circled back to during the Q&A session at the end.