Get the lowdown on ChatGPT, OpenAI , and your data online in 2024.

Take Control of Your Digital Footprint: Get the AI + Data Privacy Cheat Sheet 👀

A Google Doc guide to help you understand how Big Tech is using your data so you can make informed decisions about your digital presence, including…

  • About OpenAI and ChatGPT

  • What is a Large Language Model?

  • Is Your Data Creating Billionaires? (Yes)

  • Is it *really* free?

  • An AI alternative to ChatGPT

  • General Principles for Data Privacy (So you can protect yourself from scammers, hackers, and criminals … and from Big Tech)

👇🏻 Sign up below to get it delivered to your inbox! 👇🏻

It’s time to take control of your data.


Hey hey, I’m Menekşe!

I'm the guide behind this cheat sheet - an AI & Marketing Specialist with a passion for helping small business owners, designers, makers, course creators, and industry leaders just like you. ✨

Innovation requires intention. Too many people are “disrupting industries” and “innovating” without taking responsibility for the impact.

As we start integrating emerging technologies in our businesses, it’s important for us to be able to make informed decisions from a place of confidence that our consent to terms & conditions and privacy policies isn’t going to bite us in the butt down the line.

After working in the online space since 2005 (when I started my journey as an SEO), I’m now the founder & creator of Marketing Magic, an AI-powered tool that is helping thousands of small business owners save 40+ hours a month.

This cheat sheet gives you the lowdown on the ways you can engage with AI without giving away your intellectual property.