All aboard the train to traffic town! SEO with Menekse starts soon 🚂


All aboard the train to traffic town! SEO with Menekse starts soon 🚂 〰️


 Starting on Monday, 3 June!

SEO with Menekse

An 8-week live programme to help you make Google go googly-eyed for your website.


How long has your to-do list looked like this?

🔲 Look into SEO

🔲 Research keywords

🔲 Write blog posts

🔲 Improve my website traffic


What is SEO and why should you care?

I love an analogy, and there are two favourites that typically help people get really excited about the why of SEO - because when you know the why, consistent action becomes a whole lot easier! I hinted at these earlier, but here’s a more detailed explanation…

1. SEO is housekeeping for the digital high street

A.k.a. vital chores for your online store

Imagine having a physical shop or office space where you welcomed customers and clients.

You'd have to think about rental contracts, utilities and tax, as well as interior design and visual merchandising, not forgetting window cleaning, vacuuming, emptying bins, and changing lightbulbs.

SEO is the digital equivalent of these things: Making sure your online presence is clean and tidy, and welcoming to visitors.

2. SEO is like putting your books in a virtual library

And if they’re not clearly labelled, the librarian’s gonna ignore them

Now, imagine that you've got a big box of books to donate to your local library. But plot twist: all the covers are brown paper.

The librarian has no idea what they are or where to put them, so she puts the box in a back room for when she has time to come back and look properly.

If we ignore SEO, it's like giving Google a box of brown paper books.


Search engines run the internet. 

Without them, we would have no way of finding any of the things we want or need online.

And if you have a website or online business, you are using and relying on them every single day - whether consciously or not.

Whether it’s Google (and other search engines), Pinterest, YouTube, marketplaces, or your website’s own search function, search is at the heart of helping potential customers find your products and services.

You can either do search marketing badly (which is what happens if you ignore it), or you can do it well. Either way, it’s part of your business - it’s just part of how the internet works.

Make Google go Googly Eyed for Your Business


Make Google go Googly Eyed for Your Business 〰️


SEO with Menekse!

An 8-week group programme to help you optimise your website for search visibility in record time.

SEO with Menekse breaks down complex SEO and content marketing concepts into bite-sized, manageable tasks - with tutorials to help you think through your strategy and make confident decisions, and a suite of AI tools to help you implement in record time.

You are going to feel SO confident with your website and content strategy by the end of our time together. Your website will be your new favourite place to hang out on the internet!

By the end of the programme, you’ll have… 

A search-optimised website, including clear site structure, optimised navigation & linking, and a strategy for the next 12 months.


A customer journey map with a clear understanding of your customer touchpoints and the content you’re using to communicate with them.


Extensive keyword research, including page allocation & grouping for advertising - and the confidence to use them.



A content strategy, with blog posts and landing pages including at least 15+ blog post titles & outlines for keyword-optimised content marketing.


Off Page SEO recommendations for PR, outreach, and brand appearance so you understand what impact your wider marketing is having on your website’s traffic & visibility


A Marketing Metrics spreadsheet to track your progress, along with tutorials showing you how to navigate Google Search Console and Google Analytics for your brand


The SEO with Menekse programme leads you through a 3-part approach to optimising your website…

Part 1: Your Customer

In order to build a website that Google loves, we need to make sure we understand exactly who our customers are and how what we have to offer relates to them and what they’re looking for.

Understanding their needs, how they’re searching for those needs, and what their experience looks like as they engage with your website and the wider web helps us to build a high quality, engaging website.

The plus side to this foundational work? It makes all your other marketing way easier, too!

Part 2: Your Brand & Website

Now that we know who our customers are and what they’re searching for, it’s time to review how your brand and website are communicating that.

What do you do? How do you talk about it? What actions do you want people to take?

What’s working on your website? What needs to be fixed or improved?

How is your website structured? How does it need to be structured? What content have you got? What content do you need?

Part 3: Search Engine Optimisation

Now we’ve got information about our customers and our brand, and we understand where we are right now and where we need to be, it’s time to tackle improving our websites!

In SEO, this is broken down into three parts:

  • Technical Optimisation: Making sure your website performs well on things like speed, security, and URLs working properly.

  • On Page Optimisation: Making sure your website content and structure reflect your expertise using keywords and internal links.

  • Off Page Optimisation: Making sure your brand appears on the wider web as a trusted source of value and expertise.

This is a programme with one mission, and one mission only: 

To help you confidently grow your business online using SEO.

By the end of our programme, you’ll walk away with…

💛 A personalised strategy to get more traffic to your website

💛 A customer journey map you can use across your marketing channels

💛 A website that clearly communicates what you do to customers and search engines

💛 Confidence in building your digital platform efficiently and effectively

💛 A keyword-driven content plan that will help you grow for months to come

💛 A folder of marketing assets and materials to help you grow online

Plus, lifetime access to all the course tutorials and materials so you can watch and rewatch any time your website needs a spring-clean.


Hey, I’m Menekse!

I’m a SEO specialist and marketing strategist with over 19 years’ experience working in Search Engine Optimisation and organic traffic.

Based in London, I’ve worked with clients all over Europe and North America in a variety of industries. I’ve also been the Senior SEO Lead for a number of marketing agencies, consulting on projects for businesses large and small, as well as designing marketing development programmes and training.

Since 2016, I’ve set up a marketplace that serves over 200 artists and designers around the UK, and generates thousands of its monthly revenue from organic traffic. I have also acted as freelance Chief Marketing Officer for a handful of 7- and 8-figure North American entrepreneurs, and built a marketing app that helps thousands of business owners save 40+ hours a month.

Over the last number of years, I've taught SEO for businesses and organisations including The Design Trust, Amanda Perry's E-Com Growth Hub, Connected Artists' Club by Alice Sheridan, and the Resilient Retail Summit. I’m a regular lecturer in SEO, marketing strategy, and email marketing for University of the Arts London and ELLE Education.


I can help you turn this…

🔲 Look into SEO

🔲 Research keywords

🔲 Write blog posts

🔲 Improve my website traffic

… into this!

✅ Make sure my website SEO is sorted

✅ Have a keyword strategy in place, & make sure website content is keyword optimised

✅ Create a content strategy for blogging that brings me more traffic

✅ Improve my website traffic

Feedback from Past Students…

“Menekse is everything you always wanted from an SEO expert, but never got until now!

Her positive, engaging, no-filler sessions are just what I need as a small business owner who's always short on time, thanks so much!”

“Menekse’s SEO programme is absolutely packed with incredible content, Menekse is so generous with her support and time. Easily the best thing I’ve ever invested in in terms of my business. I feel so much more in control of my business and marketing, not overwhelmed any more!”

“The detailed content and context are really helpful, explained in terms that can be understood by those not in these fields. Bite sized chunks are also great, much easier to work through when a topic is complex. I love the analogies/examples she uses as they help my understanding.”

Is SEO with Menekse right for you?

This is a good fit for you if…

✅ You have your own website currently, or are planning to build your own website in the next few months.

✅ You sell products or services.

✅ You want to be in business 12+ months from now.

 This is not a good fit for you if…

❌ You don’t have your own website, and aren’t planning to build your website soon.

❌ You’re not sure what you’re selling or want to sell.

❌ You’re planning to close your business within 12 months.


Join SEO with Menekse!

My live SEO programme begins on Monday, 3 June, and includes…

  • 8 weeks of tutorials: Actionable tutorials for each week will be released on a Monday at 9am UK / 4am ET in both video and audio formats, so you can watch or listen to them at your convenience throughout the week.

  • Weekly feedback sessions for real-time support & troubleshooting: Got a question or something you’d like feedback on? These live sessions each Tuesday at 7pm UK / 2pm ET are interactive and provide you with plenty of time to ask questions and get support.

  • Weekly office hour sessions where you can drop in for 1-1 support: Drop in and ask me questions on Voxer each Thursday from 12pm UK / 7am ET through to 6pm UK / 1pm ET.

  • Tools, strategy maps, templates, and checklists for your website, SEO, and content marketing so you’re clear on exactly what you need to do at every stage (with AI-powered support from Marketing Magic to help you get your tasks ticked off in minutes instead of hours!).

  • Lifetime access to the course material, so you can go watch and rewatch any time!

Get SEO off your to do list once and for all, and start growing your brand on Google and beyond.