Jordan Irwin | Silversmith & Jewellery Maker at Jordan Lily Designs

Before working together, my website was up and running but had very little traction. A lot of the traffic was self-directed from Instagram which meant that I felt like I had to be 'on' Insta 24/7 to be getting results. My email marketing consisted of monthly newsletters, which were fine, but not really converting into sales! And my SEO was pretty non-existent! Always something on the to-do list.

I really wanted to see some traction with SEO generating traffic to my website so that there was something in place for the long-term marketing strategies.

I've been working through the SEO course, and have had a 1-to-1 day of Voxer with Menekse. I've gone from knowing very little about SEO at all to feeling much more confident and knowledgeable about best practice for my website.

Menekse is a great teacher and works really hard to provide tailored help and support. Her advice for getting my website ship-shape and approaching my marketing strategy has been invaluable!

The biggest change is seeing my own website take off! It now massively out-performs my other sales channels on marketplaces every month and has regular sales - yay!

I've been tracking my stats for SEO - in the space of a year, my impressions went from 8.25k to 57.9k, and clicks have jumped from 131 to 591 clicks a month! It's so encouraging to see these!!

I've also seen my 'focus keywords' Christian Jewellery position jump from 39.2 to 9.3 - first page of Google baby! And my email marketing is sitting at 25-35% of my monthly income on my website.

The Voxer days, both for the SEO course and the 1-to-1 day I did are so great!! It's so helpful to get quick and specific advice and help, and I think the walkie talkie format works really well. I'd literally pay for a slot every week, Menekse is so supportive!

I also really enjoy how you keep the course content up to date, and the bonuses for current students like Pinterest and Blogging etc. are super helpful.

Jordan Irwin is the silversmith & jewellery maker behind Jordan Lily Designs. She creates beautiful, meaningful silver jewellery from her home workshop in Cornwall.

After falling in love with traditional silversmithing techniques, Jordan set up her home workshop in Cornwall and launched her brand in the Autumn of 2018.

Explore Jordan’s jewellery here β†’


Laura Pedley | Fine Artist


Katie Chappell | Live Illustrator & Co-Founder of The Good Ship Illustration